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The Beverly Beach Community Association Retrospective

Time Line by Bruce Hellstern
“It has been my pleasure to have been a member of the BBCA Board for many years.  Peter Cosgrove was president in 1990 and was instrumental in reactivating the community association after it had been dormant for 16 years.  In fact, it was Peter who discovered $16,000 in community funds that were being held by Anne Arundel County on behalf of the association during the inactive period.
Since then, a  number of presidents and board members have come and gone and it has been my pleasure to have been associated with them all.”

In chronological order – a history of the BBCA:
1990 – obtained from Anne Arundel County $16,000 from the inactive BBCA
1992 – Beach playground installation
1993 – Beverly Beach recieved “Special Taxation District” status from the county
1994 – Replacement of the boat ramp at the west end of Lakeview Avenue
1997 – Helped the Beverly-Triton Beach Park Master Planning Committed choose Triton Beach Road for the main park entrance
1999 – Became a member of the Mayo/Edgewater Small Area Planning Committee; Paving/Upgrade of community roads; Removal of old beach pavillion structures by Anne Arundel County
2000 – Beach pilings with stainless steel cable installed in swim area;  Copper caps installed on marina pilings;
2001 – Sea Nettle net installed in swim area; construction of “northern” set of stairs to the beach; pole & cable barrier along Chesapeake Avenue installed; gate and lock installed at boat ramp and with keys to be replaced annually
2002 – Draft pipes installed for fire firefighting purposes; untagged/abandoned vehicles removed from the community, in conjunction with County code enforcement officers; County grant awarded for installation of picnic tables and benches in the beach park
2003 – Boat Ramp pier decking replaced; in conjunction with County Recreation & Parks, halted duck hunting activities from off shore stone jetties outside the beach park area
2004 – $100,000 bank loan acquired for marina rehabilitation after damage caused by hurricane Isabelle in September 2003;
2005 – Marina rehabilitation completed; sea nettle netting in swim area replaced; pole & cable barrier along Chesapeake Avenue replaced with wood guardrail; prevented County from building a parking area for Beverly-Triton Beach Park at the old park entrance on Grandview Avenue; replaced swings at beach park; website established
2006 – $1,000 grant from Anne Arundel County used to upgrade playground equipment, with addtional equipment and materials provided by BBCA funds
2007 – Brought electric service to the marina
2011 – $100,000 loan acquired for complete replacement of playground equipment
2013 – New playground installation completed
2014 – Purchase of outdoor movie equipment for Movie Night presentations and community use.
2015 – joined Mayo Peninsula Regional Park Development committee for input into development of five regional parks, including Beverly-Triton Beach Park
2017 – Gate/Lock replaced at beach park lot; all new website up; new signage installed for beach park, including Beverly-Triton Beach park notice board at park boundary
More to come!
Beverly Beach – A Historical Recollection in Images
Once a center for summer fun and slot machines along the Chesapeake, our Bay beach park now welcomes children, wildlife and quiet reflection.
Check Out the Slide!
The History of Mayo – A 1952 Book Report by Students at Mayo Elementary
Beverly Beach Historical Perspective

In the early 1940’s, Edgar Kalb (a successful Baltimore attorney) and some family members purchased a large tract of land on a peninsula in Southeast Anne Arundel County. The land was platted for more than a hundred single family homes, and the plat was named Beverley Beach. The origin of the name is unclear, but (with the additional ‘e’) is likely the surname of a relative or friend.
Kalb reserved the bay-front property for an exclusive day resort attraction, which was also named Beverley Beach, and for his own personal residence. The portion of shore with a sandy bottom was developed for members of Beverley Beach, while the remainder of the shore (with a muck bottom) was the site of his personal residence, and was available for expansion of the day resort.
It is likely (but undocumented) that Kalb, with his wealth and connections, convinced Anne Arundel authorities to allow slot machines in the County. Approval came in 1943, and was a boon to Kalb’s day resort. Kalb built three ‘pavilions’: two with a covered breezeway and one standalone just north of the others. The standalone was divided into two sections, with lockers and showers for patrons who waded into the sandy-bottom Chesapeake Bay. One of the other pavilions contained a growing number of slot machines and other coin-operated devices, while the southernmost pavilion had two refreshment stands (serving a limited menu of fast food, beer, and soft drinks), and a generous quantity of tables and chairs for dining. At the very north end there was a dance floor and a bandstand, very popular with local young people on Fridays, Saturdays, and holiday eves.
In the late 1940s, the dance area was converted into a bingo hall, and the dining area was converted into more slots and other coin-operated devices. A swing set was added in the open area to the South.
The swimming area extended along some 300 feet (91 m)of beachfront, from the northern border of the subdivision to an area south of the Kalb residence, and in a roughly truncated semi-circle some 100–120 feet into the Chesapeake. About 2/3 of the distance from the shore were some 7-10 floats, which were square wood platforms supported by air-filled 55-gallon drums. One or two lifeguards were stationed on floats, each with a small wooden dinghy or small wooden scow for getting to and from shore, and for assisting swimmers who got themselves into trouble.
In late summer, the warm Chesapeake waters were plagued with sea nettles, small stinging jellyfish. Kalb combated these with nettle nets which were erected around the swimming area (which was roughly a truncated semi-circle which extended perhaps 100–120 feet into the Chesapeake). The nettle nets were actually panels of wire mesh (with quarter-inch openings) installed between semi-permanent wood pilings in May and removed into storage each September. Each evening, a lifeguard would be tasked with hanging hurricane lanterns on some of the pilings, to warn boaters of the obstruction. Each morning, they would be taken down, refueled, wicks trimmed, and stored until evening. It was not considered to be an unpleasant duty, as the lifeguards took the opportunity to harvest soft-shelled crabs which were often found clinging to the nettle nets.
from Wikipedia:,_Maryland
The Skeletons of Beverly Beach / Lost Towns Project – BayWeekly Newspaper

United States vs Beverely Beach Club / Edward Kalb – 1968
Hurricane Isabel 2003
From Wikipedia: Hurricane Isabel 2003:  Hurricane Isabel was the strongest Atlantic hurricane since Mitch, and the deadliest, costliest, and most intense hurricane in the 2003 Atlantic hurricane season. Moderate to severe damage extended up the Atlantic coastline and as far inland as West Virginia. Roughly six million people were left without electric service in the eastern United States from the strong winds of Isabel. Rainfall from the storm extended from South Carolina to Maine, and westward to Michigan. Throughout the path of Isabel, damage totaled about $5.5 billion (2003 USD). 
Images from Isabel’s Aftermath – Beverly Beach 2003

BB History: Community News
BB History: Pro Gallery

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